
It really bothers me that there are guys that have amazing personalities, all over just good guys. THEN, they go and mess it up. As in they don’t know what things are appropriate in public or they just say one thing, ONE THING that ruins everything. Everyone sometimes says something stupid, don’t get me wrong, I totally get that, buy I’m not talking about that. Also, when they act like total douche-bags depending on who they are with.

For example, when a guy brags about drinking, smoking, getting with girls, getting high, or just all out gloating about themselves. I understand that some kids need to escapes their lives because things are bad, I get that it may not be the best way to do that but I mean, I get it. I just feel as though there is such a fine line. Someone that thinks that they have the right to drink or whatever to escape there lives, they don’t talk about it, they don’t brag that they do all these things and the most definitely do not try and talk about it every chance that they get. Yet, I also understand that people try to hide there emotions with other emotions, acting like everything is totally fine when in reality they are falling apart.

It just makes me so sad that there are all these totally amazing guys out there who deserve to have people around them that can positively help their lives, even if it is just being a person to listen because they don’t know what to say to make things better. So now there are these guys out there looking for help in the wrong places, with the wrong people and wrong substances, and all these good people are in their lives and they can’t even see that there are people right in front of them, willing to help them in a different ways. Then they go running their mouths about all these parties and things they did when they were drunk, just how awesome they think everything is because they want you to think that they are happy and then you get so mad that they’re doing all this stupid crap and now they’re standing there bragging about it. You just spent the entire day with them and it has been a wicked long day, they just said they were exhausted, now they’re saying that they can’t wait home so they can go out and go to another party with their other friends. Like, it makes me laugh so hard because the person doesn’t see it so it doesn’t even make sense to get into an argument over it with them.

Then they act okay around you, you see them when they aren’t trying to make them self, well whatever. The person you see in that moment is amazing, perfect to you in every way, but they don’t see it and just as soon as the real them came, it’s gone again and there is nothing that you can do about it. This frustrates me so much, how can they not see how amazing they are? How has no one else been able to get through to them, how?


Ugh I know that it is only tuesday but this week has already been the most stressful! I have so many tests and quizes and papers! due 😦 plus i still need to finish driving hours, get my lisence, take an SAT course, take the SATs, take midterms next week. I just need support :/ plus my 4 page paper is due thursday and I have a paragraph. a paragraph. done UGHHH junior year is so stressful.