Senior Year

This is it! I’ve decided that I am done with the bullshit fuck boys that live here! I’m going to wait till college for a whole new batch of fuck boys but I can’t keep dealing with the ones here. It’ll never lead to anything good and therefore it is not worth my time! This year everything my friends and I do we will do big and all the way!! By this this time next year my life will be totally different and new things will be happening. I’m nervous that everything is going to be different but at the same time I am really happy because I need change. I need new people who will restore my hopes for a social life. All in all I just want to start my life, my own independent life without people always on my case about the stupidest shit. But on the bright side! NEW GUYS!

Guy that I know I am so over like honestly you have no idea theyre horrible and stupid and why the hell did I waste my time with them? Like am I an idiot? Why cant I just delete their numbers and snapchat and unfollow them on all social media?! It’s like when it’s going good it’s going great but all other times its horrible

Why am I addicted to the wrong people? They are drugs and I always find the strength to quit them and then I relapse and its like WWIII in my head

Can someone please just find me a tattooed dude who is just different from all the assholes here?